Exporting Regions If you have placed markers in an audio document, Peak’s Export Regions command allows you to divide the document into its component regions and save each of these regions as a separate audio document. This feature is very convenient if you wish to divide a larger file into regions and transfer them as samples into a sample playback instrument or save them as separate files. The Export Regions dialog allows you to select regions for export based on their name (or more precisely, the name of the marker that bounds them). For example, if you wish to export all regions in the document, click the All Regions button. If you wish to export only regions that are bounded by specific marker names, click the Only Regions button and enter the parameters that you wish to use to select the desired regions. For instance, if you wish to only export only regions bounded by markers with the word “hit” in them, click the pop-up menu, choose containing, and type the word “hit” in the field next to the pop-up. Conversely, if you wish export all regions except those with the word “hit” in them, click the pop-up menu, choose not containing, and type the word “hit” in the field next to the pop-up. This dialog also allows you to choose the format and resolution of the resulting audio documents as well as a folder location for them. To export regions from an audio document: 1. Select the regions that you wish to export. (You can use the Tab key, Shift-Tab, or if you wish to select the entire document, press Command-A.) 2. Choose Export Regions from the File menu. 3. In the dialog that appears, choose the parameters that you wish to use for selecting the regions to export. 4. Using the Output Format options, choose the format and resolution of the exported regions. 5. Using the Output Directory options, choose the destination for the exported regions. 6. If you wish to export the regions into new open Peak documents, choose Output to new windows. 7. If you wish to save the regions to disk, select Save to Disk and choose whether you would like to save the files into the “parent” audio document’s folder, or to a different folder (in the latter case, using the Set Path button). 8. To export the regions, click Begin. Peak exports each of the regions into its own audio document.